Saturday, February 25, 2012

Special Snowflakes

So today I’m going to be talking about Special Snowflakes. It’s weird, but for some reason very few people actually acknowledge the existence of Special Snowflakes. They may understand what I mean when I bring it up, but that doesn’t mean they’ll care about it. But I care! But I’m also going to try and make an argument as to why they’re inherently destructive to roleplay.

What is a Special Snowflake anyway? It’s a character that, in the universe they exist in, would be noticeably out of the ordinary. Some people might say “Wow, you’re going to put someone down for that?” because people are so used to this. They read novels or fanfiction, play games or watch movies, and the story is completely focused on exactly that: people out of the ordinary. That type of thing is fine for all those mediums, but roleplay is something completely different. Let me break it down for you.