Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What’s interesting?

This question has been haunting me a lot, recently, and I think it would do me good to try and actually address it in regards to roleplay. I think it’s important, though, because I think the level of interest you have in what you’re roleplaying directly affects your ability to actually roleplay. This is a most troublesome issue indeed because all over the place, no matter where you go, you see nearly all the RPers present struggling to maintain activity, usually coming or going in bursts of several months. Because roleplay builds upon itself very heavily, this proves to be incredibly problematic for accomplishing any sort of long-term character or plot building, and ultimately leads to dysfunctional roleplaying communities that move very little.

Okay, so why do people just… stop roleplaying? I would argue it’s because what they’re roleplaying simply isn’t interesting enough. It also takes a reasonable amount of effort, but I’ll talk about that later. I’ve talked about this a little bit with roleplaying on compulsion as well as my thing on special snowflakes, but I’m going to try and focus on it now, so let me see if I can break it down.