Thursday, September 13, 2012

Roleplaying Partners

Article number seventeen for me, but it will be the sixteenth that talks specifically about quality, since you can exclude my first post. I’ve talked a lot about that, really, and I’ll probably talk a lot more about it. There arises the question though, why should we care? I mean after all, isn’t this just my own little fantasy of elitism and personal tastes, so why should I be so audacious as to tell people how to roleplay? Shouldn’t roleplay just be from a fount of creativity? How dare you suggest something may be better!

Some people seem to think this argument is satisfactory, but I no longer think so. Our society has absolutely latched onto this notion that “What’s true for you may not be true for me” as if it were so simple. I personally find it quite lacking and more than a bit of a cop-out, especially for roleplay. Roleplay is, after all, a hobby that involves more than just you, so indulge me for a minute and understand it’s not just about your own little sphere of creativity where you can just act however you please.

Many are convinced there are not objective reasons for demanding quality (or a desire to reach quality) in roleplay, as many communities simply go, “This is what we want to see. This is our taste, respect it or leave.” That’s totally fine, but I think it can go further than that. In a lot of my articles in the past I’ve referenced one of these objective reasons I would argue matter: the enjoyment of your own roleplay. It’s a tricky one, but really, if you have more fun roleplaying, because you’re improving in quality, it becomes significantly more enjoyable. When the roleplay is more enjoyable, you tend to stick with it longer, hopefully not falling into that cycle of dipping in and out of activity.

This extends into a lot of areas, many of them relating to motivations to roleplay. For example, if you’re roleplaying simply to live out another fantasy and escape your own miserable dimensions, then your desire to roleplay will fluctuate alongside your own personal satisfaction with your life. If you haven’t figured that out, it changes a lot, so it’s kind of not the greatest thing to rely on.

But that’s just the recap of what I’ve talked about already. Maybe another time I’ll go into that stuff again more directly, but today I’m here to talk about something else.

Why should you seek to improve your roleplay?