Sunday, March 31, 2013


So this evening, I figured I could go over respect. It’s a word we use a lot; we say things like “I respect that” or “I can respect his opinion” or “Show your respects” or whatever else you can think of. We talk about earning respect or feeling respected, and in general we consider it a pretty positive thing. Whenever you’re talking about it, though, you’re always referring to this sense that you feel the respect is either deserved or it isn’t. Okay, so where am I going with this.

We all want to be respected; that pretty much goes without saying. The question is whether we deserve to be respected, most of the time. A lot of times we feel like we don’t get the respect we deserve because we put in effort, time, or whatever to serve someone, and they don’t acknowledge us with the proper level of homage as is befitting to our station. Sometimes we might even feel like we’re respected when we don’t deserve to be, like someone’s making a bigger deal out of something we did than should be made. Usually we warm up to the second one a lot quicker than the first.