Friday, June 20, 2014

When to Write a Short Post

Not too many posts ago, I discussed what I referred to as the “Disease of Long Posts” in roleplay, getting into what makes a so-called “Long Post” and why it’s really harmful to the roleplay. Today I want to look at it from the other perspective, though I suspect there will be a portion of overlap in it. Approaching your posts with an understanding of their length is absolutely crucial to your success as a roleplayer, and it should be an issue the writer is continually sensitive toward.

Ever been on a web-site that banned members for making a “short” post? Some places will classify them as spam, others will say it’s simply poor writing, but all around there’s a sense that fewer words mean diminished quality. Naturally, there’s a really important question we have to ask ourselves:

Does this make any sense at all?