Saturday, August 13, 2011


Hmm, where to start.

This is something I've wanted to do for a while, now, and while I may or may not refer others to it, my intentions are primarily for myself. I don't particularly expect others to read or follow, nor do I expect to write for infinity. There are a lot of things I've learned about roleplay, and a lot of things I'm still figuring out, and I feel sort of obligated to either think further on or to simply acknowledge them. It's been a number of years since I've started, but I guess the only thing I've really learned from seniority as a roleplayer is how little seniority actually counts for. I've seen plenty of fresh roleplayers destroy "veteran" RPers, and naturally the other way around. Like anything you learn more as time goes on, but the person at hand is still much more important than you might think, in the end. I've still got loads to learn, so I guess I'll try teaching myself a little bit.

So here goes, I guess. My hope is that by writing things down I'll be able to learn more about them myself as I'm forced to think about it. I have a list of possible topics that I think are worthwhile, and I probably won't get to all of them because I combine or destroy them, or I just lose interest. I hope whoever reads this can get something out of it, even if that's just me.

If we're done with my most useless topic I've got on my list, then let's get to the important stuff, eh?

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