Thursday, September 4, 2014

Write Real Characters, Not Rational Ones

One of the greatest blessings and curses of roleplaying is that every writer has an audience. Whether it’s posting the character sheet or responding to the roleplaying thread the character is in, each person expects what they’ve written to be read. On the one hand, this is great because it gives writers a real, living experience for their creations to live in. But on the other hand, this also means that even the people who really aren’t writers, at their cores, can still play creative fiction on their unsuspecting victims.

In practice, what you end up getting is a pretty steady demographic with roleplaying. Every roleplayer I’ve met has fancied themselves a fairly intelligent, rational person in their own minds. That may very well be the case, and there’s nothing particularly wrong with it, but it does have some serious implications for the sorts of characters you run into in your adventures. As we have already long since established, people are inherently drawn (usually unhelpfully) to write portions of themselves into characters. You should tread lightly.